The present general conditions of service apply to all services provided by Sobeauty's Home (, Slama Soraya " Beauty specialist, Makeup artist, Nail Designer, Hair Stylist
Individuals - Professionals - Professionals mandated by an Individual
They are subject to the present general terms of service, unless specifically agreed in writing between the parties prior to the order.
Consequently, the reservation of a service by a customer comprises the adhesion, without reserve, of this last one to the present general conditions of service except particular conditions, specific agreement preliminary to the order, agreed in writing between the parts agreed by Soraya of Sobeauty's Home and the Customer.
-The present general conditions,
-The special conditions accepted by both parties,
-The order accepted by the following means: signature of a reservation contract and confirmation by deposit of a deposit this by Email, text, written.
-Studies, estimates and technical documents communicated before the service or the formation of the main contract and accepted by the parties.
The GTCS are subject to Swiss law. In the event of a dispute, only the commercial court will be competent.
The present conditions are applicable to the date of September 1, 2017 and replace any other existing versions. Sobeauty's Home envisages to inform its customers but it is not safe from a failure of a system of messaging that it is clean to him or that it is that of the customer, it thus belongs to the customers to consult regularly the general conditions of services present on this site to check the update because they only are valid.
2 - Order, online reservation and acceptance
A contract of reservation or purchase order is established by Sobeauty's Home on the basis of information communicated by the Customer and indicating the detail of the service to be carried out.
The orders are final only when they have been confirmed in writing on the contract by the customer dated and signed, a copy is given to each of the two parties. Orders must be accompanied by the payment of a deposit. This is 30% of the total amount of the service. The Customer declares to have read the general conditions of services and to have accepted them without reserve before placing the order by returning the contract. For all online reservations, the order is confirmed upon validation of the deposit payment.
Modification of services after booking online or by phone:
In case of modification of the service online, the deposit paid beforehand will be kept and will be deducted from the remaining amount of the new service, if this amount is lower than the old service the difference will be refunded this is valid for all services except for wedding packages.
For the wedding packages, in case of modification of the service, if the amount is lower than the initial reservation and this at more than 6 months of the D-day: the deposit paid beforehand will be kept in totality as compensation and the difference of the amount will not be refundable and will give place to a credit.
In case of modification of a service of a lower amount and this at less than 3 months of the D-day: The deposit paid beforehand will be kept in totality and the balance of the service initially planned will have to be paid the D-day.
3 - Location and Rates
The services are carried out with the place agreed between the two parts or with the institute. That obliges the customer to accomodate Soraya of Sobeauty's home in descending conditions and allowing him to install its material in order to exert the service. If the conditions are not met, Sobeauty's home has the right to refuse and to cancel the services, and the amount of the services will have to be paid.
The customer is in the obligation to provide the complete address of the place of appointment or takes place the service by Sobeauty' S Home which are:
The rates are revised every year on January 1st and the Swiss Franc /Euros rate varies according to the current rate.
Sobeauty's Home reserves the right to modify its prices constantly, the price in force corresponding to that posted on the estimate.
4- Terms of payment
For all event packages (weddings, birthdays or personalized), payments are made in part at the time of ordering (deposit) and the balance on the day of the final service.
Payments are made in Swiss Francs or Euros unless otherwise specified in the contract.
The accepted payments are: Cash, bank transfer except exceptional cases (secure online solution via PayPal and TWINT, no banking information concerning you transits by Sobeauty's Home.
In the case of a secure PayPal and TWINT online payment, the name and date of the service must be mentioned in the comment section reserved for this purpose.
In case of reception of the deposit and without the signed estimate, the order will be considered validated by the customer or the professional mandated by him for the organization of the event, the payment being proof of acceptance.
Sobeauty's Home reserves the right not to carry out the service in the event of nonpayment according to the terms defined with contract.
5 - Modification, delays and cancellation of orders
When Sobeauty's Home moves at the customer's place can independently of its will be late because of the traffic (traffic, accident, works on the road).
Sobeauty's Home reserves the right to cancel any service not regulated in time indicated and this until the integral payment of the invoice, without possible recourse of some natures that it is against him.
Conditions of modification of dates or schedules on behalf of the customer:
Any modification of the contract requested by the customer is subordinated to the express acceptance of Sobeauty's Home.
Within the framework of a reservation of service (a deposit), the contract of reservation signed by the customer stipulating in writing the dates and schedules is considered firm and final. In the case where the customer will wish to change date or the schedule, Sobeauty's Home will accept or not to proceed to the change subject to availability.
In the case or Sobeauty's Home would not have availability with the dates and schedules desired by the customer, those initially envisaged will be maintained or cancelled (to refer to the paragraph conditions of cancellation) the agreement of modification will be final only when it would have been confirmed by writing, email or text message.
Conditions of cancellation of the services :
In case of cancellation more than 6 months before the D-day, the sums received (deposits) are kept as indemnities, the balance of the invoice is cancelled.
This cancellation must be confirmed by the Customer of Sobeauty's Home by writing, email or text message stipulating the name of the customer with the date and schedules of the initially envisaged services.
In the event of cancellation with less than 3 months of the D day the perceived sums (installment) are preserved with the titles of allowances but the customer of Sobeauty' S Home also commits himself regulating the balance of the invoice of all the services engaged on the contract of reservation.
Waiver and cancellation fees due to force majeure conditions:
Sobeauty's home could not see its responsibility committed in the event of inexecution or of bad execution of the contract caused by a fact of the Customer or an insurmountable and unforeseeable fact of a third with the contract or a case of absolute necessity.
Are considered as cases of force majeure those usually retained by the jurisprudence of Swiss courts and tribunals such as :
Blockages of means of transportation for any reason whatsoever
Blocking or disrupting the means of communication, telecommunication or postal service,
Theft, fire or destruction of Sobeauty's Home equipment or documents or media provided by the Customer
Weather conditions that make it impossible to perform the contract properly
In the first instance, in the event of force majeure, the execution of the contract is suspended. If the case of absolute necessity has a duration higher than the duration envisaged of the service, the order or the contract is either renewed at a later date by means of a rider and/or a new order, or cancelled for whole or part of the service in progress after agreement of the parts concerned. The cancellation for whole or part does not cancel the costs and expenses engaged by Sobeauty's Home. Thus an allowance equal to 30% of the total amount of the service concerned with the expenses of displacements engaged will be regulated by the customer with Sobeauty's Home in compensation for the loss of profit.
6 - Obligation to cooperate
The Customer will hold at the disposal of Sobeauty's Home all information, photographs (model, orientation of the choice make-up?), documents being able to contribute to the good realization of the object of this contract
7- Responsibility
Sobeauty's Home implements all the means at its disposal to carry out with care the services which are entrusted to him by the customer. All the products used by Sobeauty's Home are products of professional ranges. However taking into account the allergenic risks in rare cases, it is up to the customer to announce in writing all known allergic factors at the date of the service. The customer consequently discharges Sobeauty's Home of all responsibilities and guarantees it against any recourse likely to be brought against him.
For the achievement of the services envisaged Sobeauty's Home is committed giving its best care, in accordance with the rules of the art. The present obligation is of convention express, that pure obligation of means. Its responsibility could be committed only for a proven fault. Sobeauty's Home is exonerated when the Customer approved the stages of validation of the ordered services.
8- Compensation
In any event, whatever the basis of the responsibility of Sobeauty's Home, the damages and any repair could not exceed the amount of the services carried out by Soraya of SBH.
9 - Confidentiality and ownership of results
On condition of reciprocity, Sobeauty's Home is committed strictly respecting the confidentiality of all information, documents, data or concepts of which it could have knowledge before, during or after the realization of its service, as well as the contents of the ordered and carried out work.
The responsibility for Sobeauty's Home cannot be committed because of an interception or of a detour of information at the time of the transfer of the data, in particular by Internet. Consequently, it is up to the Customer, at the time of the order, to inform the Service Provider of the means of transfer which it wishes to see implemented in order to guarantee the confidentiality of any information with sensitive character.
It is expressly agreed that the results of the assignment are under the full control of the Client from the time of full payment for the service, and that the Service Provider shall not report on the results or use them in any way whatsoever without the Client's prior written consent.
10 - Processing of personal data
In accordance with the federal law on the protection of data of June 19, 1992, relating to data processing, the files and freedoms, the customer has a right of access, of modification, correction and suppression of the data which concern it.
In order to assert his rights, the Customer will contact directly Soraya de SBH by mail or by email
11 - Competent court
In the event of a dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of their agreements, the parties shall seek, prior to any litigation, an amicable agreement and shall communicate to each other for this purpose all necessary information.
In the absence of an amicable settlement of the litigation within a maximum time limit of one month, any dispute concerning the application of these general conditions of provision of service and their interpretation, their execution and the contracts concluded by Soraya SBH, will be carried in front of the commercial court of the head office of Sobeauty's Home, whatever the place of the order, the service, the payment and the mode of payment, and even in the event of call or of plurality of defendants.
12 - Waiver
The fact for Soraya of Sobeauty's Home not to prevail itself at a given time of one of the clauses of the present general conditions of provision of service cannot be worth renunciation to prevail itself later of these same clauses.
13 - Applicable law
Any question relating to these general terms and conditions of service as well as to the services they govern and which would not be dealt with by the present contractual